Contents Index Installing Java classes into a database Installing a class

ASA Programming Guide
  Using Java in the Database
    Installing Java classes into a database

Creating a class

Although the details of each step may differ depending on whether you are using a Java development tool, the steps involved in creating your own class generally include the following:

To create a class

  1. Define your class    Write the Java code that defines your class. If you are using the Sun Java SDK then you can use a text editor. If you are using a development tool, the development tool provides instructions.

    Use only supported classes 
    User classes must be 100% Java. Native methods are not allowed.
  2. Name and save your class    Save your class declaration (Java code) in a file with the extension .java. Make certain the name of the file is the same as the name of the class and that the case of both names is identical.

    For example, a class called Utility should be saved in a file called

  3. Compile your class    This step turns your class declaration containing Java code into a new, separate file containing byte code. The name of the new file is the same as the Java code file but has an extension of .class. You can run a compiled Java class in a Java runtime environment, regardless of the platform you compiled it on or the operating system of the runtime environment.

    The Sun JDK contains a Java compiler, Javac.exe.

    Java-enabled databases only 
    You can install any compiled Java class file in a database. However, Java operations using an installed class can only take place if the database has been Java-enabled as described in Java-enabling a database.

Contents Index Installing Java classes into a database Installing a class