Contents Index SQLDA host variable descriptions Describing values

ASA Programming Guide
  Embedded SQL Programming
    The SQL descriptor area (SQLDA)

SQLDA sqllen field values

The sqllen field length of the sqlvar structure in a SQLDA is used in the following kinds of interactions with the database server:

The following tables detail each of these interactions. These tables list the interface constant types (the DT_ types) found in the sqldef.h header file. These constants would be placed in the SQLDA sqltype field.

For information about sqltype field values, see Embedded SQL data types.

In static SQL, a SQLDA is still used but it is generated and completely filled in by the SQL preprocessor. In this static case, the tables give the correspondence between the static C language host variable types and the interface constants.

Describing values
Sending values
Retrieving values

Contents Index SQLDA host variable descriptions Describing values