Contents Index Sending values Sending and retrieving long values

ASA Programming Guide
  Embedded SQL Programming
    The SQL descriptor area (SQLDA)
      SQLDA sqllen field values

Retrieving values

The following table indicates the values of the length field when you retrieve data from the database using a SQLDA. The sqllen field is never modified when you retrieve data.

Only the interface data types displayed in the table are allowed in this case. The DT_DATE, DT_TIME, and DT_TIMESTAMP data types are treated the same as DT_STRING when you retrieve information from the database. The value is formatted as a character string in the current date format.

Embedded SQL Data Type What the program must set length field to when receiving How the database returns length information after fetching a value
DT_BIGINT No action required No action required
DT_BINARY(n) Maximum length of BINARY structure (n+2) len field of BINARY structure set to actual length
DT_BIT No action required No action required
DT_DATE Length of buffer \0 at end of string
DT_DECIMAL(p,s) High byte set to p and low byte set to s No action required
DT_DOUBLE No action required No action required
DT_FIXCHAR(n) Length of buffer Padded with blanks to length of buffer
DT_FLOAT No action required No action required
DT_INT No action required No action required
DT_LONGBINARY Length field ignored. See Retrieving LONG data Length field ignored. See Retrieving LONG data
DT_LONGVARCHAR Length field ignored. See Retrieving LONG data Length field ignored. See Retrieving LONG data
DT_SMALLINT No action required No action required
DT_STRING Length of buffer \0 at end of string
DT_TIME Length of buffer \0 at end of string
DT_TIMESTAMP Length of buffer \0 at end of string
DT_TIMESTAMP_ STRUCT No action required No action required
DT_UNSBIGINT No action required No action required
DT_UNSINT No action required No action required
DT_UNSSMALLINT No action required No action required
DT_VARCHAR(n) Maximum length of VARCHAR structure (n+2) len field of VARCHAR structure set to actual length

Contents Index Sending values Sending and retrieving long values