Contents Index a_change_log structure a_compress_stats structure

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_compress_db structure


Holds the information needed to carry out database compression tasks using the DBTools library.


typedef struct a_compress_db {
unsigned short      version;
const char *         dbname;
const char *         compress_name;
MSG_CALLBACK      errorrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      msgrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      statusrtn;
a_bit_field         display_free_pages   : 1;
a_bit_field         quiet         : 1;
a_bit_field         record_unchanged   : 1;
a_compress_stats *       stats;
MSG_CALLBACK      confirmrtn;
a_bit_field         noconfirm      : 1;
const char *          encryption_key
} a_compress_db;

Member Description
version DBTools version number
dbname The file name of the database to compress
compress_name The file name of the compressed database
errorrtn Callback routine for handling an error message
msgrtn Callback routine for handling an information message
statusrtn Callback routine for handling a status message
display_free_pages Display the free page information.
quiet Operate without printing messages (1), or print messages (0)
record_unchanged Set to 1. Indicates that the a_compress_stats structure is recent enough to have an unchanged member
a_compress_stats Pointer to a structure of type a_compress_stats. This is filled in if the member is not NULL and display_free_pages is not zero
confirmrtn Callback routine for confirming an action
noconfirm Operate with (0) or without (1) confirmation
encryption_key The encryption key for the database file.
See also 

DBCompress function

a_compress_stats structure

For more information on callback functions, see Using callback functions.

Contents Index a_change_log structure a_compress_stats structure