Contents Index a_compress_db structure a_create_db structure

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_compress_stats structure


Holds information describing compressed database file statistics.


typedef struct a_compress_stats {
a_stats_line      tables;
a_stats_line      indices;
a_stats_line      other;
a_stats_line      free;
a_stats_line      total;
a_sql_int32      free_pages;
a_sql_int32      unchanged;
} a_compress_stats;

Member Description
tables Holds compression information regarding tables
indices Holds compression information regarding indexes
other Holds other compression information
free Holds information regarding free space
total Holds overall compression information
free_pages Holds information regarding free pages
unchanged The number of pages that the compression algorithm was unable to shrink
See also 

DBCompress function

a_compress_db structure

Contents Index a_compress_db structure a_create_db structure