Contents Index a_compress_stats structure a_crypt_db structure

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_create_db structure


Holds the information needed to create a database using the DBTools library.


typedef struct a_create_db {
unsigned short      version;
const char *         dbname;
const char *         logname;
const char *         startline;
short         page_size;
const char *         default_collation;
MSG_CALLBACK      errorrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      msgrtn;
short         database_version;
char            verbose;
a_bit_field         blank_pad         : 2;
a_bit_field         respect_case      : 1;
a_bit_field         encrypt         : 1;
a_bit_field         debug            : 1;
a_bit_field         dbo_avail      : 1;
a_bit_field         mirrorname_present   : 1;
a_bit_field         avoid_view_collisions   : 1;
short         collation_id;
const char *         dbo_username;
const char *         mirrorname;
const char *          encryption_dllname;
a_bit_field         java_classes : 1;
a_bit_field         jconnect : 1;
const char *         data_store_type
const char *          encryption_key;
const char *          encryption_algorithm;
const char *          jdK_version;
} a_create_db;

Member Description
version DBTools version number
dbname Database file name
logname New transaction log name
startline The command-line used to start the database engine. The following is an example start line:
The default start line is used if this member is NULL
page_size The page size of the database
default_collation The collation for the database
errorrtn Callback routine for handling an error message
msgrtn Callback routine for handling an information message
database_version The version number of the database
verbose Run in verbose mode
blank_pad Treat blanks as significant in string comparisons and hold index information to reflect this
respect_case Make string comparisons case sensitive and hold index information to reflect this
encrypt Encrypt the database
debug Reserved
dbo_avail Set to 1. The dbo user is available in this database
mirrorname_present Set to 1. Indicates that the version of DBTools is recent enough to support the mirrorname field
avoid_view_collisions Omit the generation of Watcom SQL compatibility views SYS.SYSCOLUMNS and SYS.SYSINDEXES
collation_id Collation identifier
dbo_username No longer used: set to NULL
mirrorname Transaction log mirror name
encryption_dllname The DLL used to encrypt the database.
java_classes Create a Java-enabled database.
jconnect Include system procedures needed for jConnect
data_store_type Reserved. Use NULL.
encryption_key The encryption key for the database file.
encryption_algorithm Either AES or MDSR.
jdk_version One of the values for the dbinit -jdk option.
See also 

DBCreate function

For more information on callback functions, see Using callback functions.

Contents Index a_compress_stats structure a_crypt_db structure