Contents Index a_stats_line structure a_syncpub structure

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_sync_db structure


Holds information needed for the dbmlsync utility using the DBTools library.


typedef struct a_sync_db {
unsigned short     version;
char _fd_ *        connectparms;
char _fd_ *       publication;
const char _fd_ *     offline_dir;
char _fd_ *         extended_options;
char _fd_ *         script_full_path;
const char _fd_ *      include_scan_range;
const char _fd_ *      raw_file;
MSG_CALLBACK      confirmrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      errorrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      msgrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      logrtn;

a_SQL_uint32      debug_dump_size;
a_SQL_uint32      dl_insert_width;
a_bit_field         verbose         : 1;
a_bit_field         debug         : 1;
a_bit_field         debug_dump_hex      : 1;
a_bit_field         debug_dump_char      : 1;
a_bit_field         debug_page_offsets   : 1;
a_bit_field         use_hex_offsets      : 1;
a_bit_field         use_relative_offsets   : 1;
a_bit_field         output_to_file      : 1;
a_bit_field         output_to_mobile_link   : 1;
a_bit_field         dl_use_put      : 1;
a_bit_field         dl_use_upsert      : 1;
a_bit_field         kill_other_connections   : 1;
a_bit_field         retry_remote_behind   : 1;
a_bit_field         ignore_debug_interrupt   : 1;

SET_WINDOW_TITLE_CALLBACK set_window_title_rtn;
char *            default_window_title;
MSG_QUEUE_CALLBACK   msgqueuertn;
MSG_CALLBACK      progress_msg_rtn;
SET_PROGRESS_CALLBACK progress_index_rtn;
char **            argv;
char **            ce_argv;

a_bit_field         connectparms_allocated  : 1;
a_bit_field         entered_dialog      : 1;
a_bit_field         used_dialog_allocation   : 1;
a_bit_field         ignore_scheduling   : 1;
a_bit_field         ignore_hook_errors   : 1;
a_bit_field         changing_pwd      : 1;
a_bit_field         prompt_again      : 1;
a_bit_field         retry_remote_ahead    : 1;
a_bit_field         rename_log      : 1;
a_bit_field         hide_conn_str      : 1;
a_bit_field         hide_ml_pwd      : 1;
a_bit_field         delay_ml_disconn   : 1;
a_SQL_uint32      dlg_launch_focus;
char _fd_ *         mlpassword;
char _fd_ *         new_mlpassword;
char _fd_ *         verify_mlpassword;

a_SQL_uint32     pub_name_cnt;
char **            pub_name_list;
USAGE_CALLBACK   usage_rtn;
a_sql_uint32            hovering_frequency;
a_bit_short           ignore_hovering        : 1;
a_bit_short           verbose_upload        : 1;
a_bit_short           verbose_upload_data    : 1;
a_bit_short           verbose_download    : 1;
a_bit_short           verbose_download_data    : 1;
a_bit_short           autoclose        : 1;
a_bit_short           ping            : 1;
a_bit_short           _unused            : 9;
char _fd_ *           encryption_key;
a_syncpub _fd_ *       upload_defs;
char _fd_ *           log_file_name;
char _fd_ *           user_name;
} a_sync_db;


The parameters correspond to features accessible from the dbmlsync command-line utility.

See the dbtools.h header file for additional comments.

For more information, see MobiLink synchronization client.

See also 

DBSynchronizeLog function

Contents Index a_stats_line structure a_syncpub structure