Contents Index a_sync_db structure a_sysinfo structure

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_syncpub structure


Holds information needed for the dbmlsync utility.


typedef struct a_syncpub {
    struct a_syncpub _fd_ *       next;
    char _fd_ *                  pub_name;
    char _fd_ *                  ext_opt;
    a_bit_field                  alloced_by_dbsync: 1;
} a_syncpub;

Member Description
a_syncpub pointer to the next node in the list, NULL for the last node
pub_name publication name(s) specified for this -n option. This is the exact string following -n on the command line.
ext_opt extended options specified using the -eu option
encryption 1 if the database is encrypted, 0 otherwise
alloced_by_dbsync FALSE, except for nodes created in dbtool9.dll

Contents Index a_sync_db structure a_sysinfo structure