Contents Index IFNULL function [Miscellaneous] INSERTSTR function [String]

ASA SQL Reference
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INDEX_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]


This function is the same as the ESTIMATE function, except that it always looks only in an index.


INDEX_ESTIMATE( column-namenumber [ , relation-string ] )


column-name     The name of the column that is used in the estimate.

number     If number is specified, the function returns as a REAL the percentage estimate that the query optimizer uses.

relation-string     The relation-string must be a comparison operator enclosed in single quotes; the default is '='.

Standards and compatibility 
See also 

ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]

ESTIMATE_SOURCE function [Miscellaneous]


The following statement returns the value 81.304607.

SELECT FIRST ESTIMATE( emp_id, 200, '>' )
FROM employee

Contents Index IFNULL function [Miscellaneous] INSERTSTR function [String]