Contents Index Text and image functions ABS function [Numeric]

ASA SQL Reference
  SQL Functions

Alphabetical list of functions

Each function is listed, and the function type (numeric, character, and so on) is indicated next to it.

For links to all functions of a given type, see Function types.

ABS function [Numeric]
ACOS function [Numeric]
ARGN function [Miscellaneous]
ASCII function [String]
ASIN function [Numeric]
ATAN function [Numeric]
ATN2 function [Numeric]
AVG function [Aggregate]
BYTE_LENGTH function [String]
BYTE_SUBSTR function [String]
CAST function [Data type conversion]
CEILING function [Numeric]
CHAR function [String]
CHARINDEX function [String]
CHAR_LENGTH function [String]
COALESCE function [Miscellaneous]
COMPARE function [String]
CONVERT function [Data type conversion]
COS function [Numeric]
COT function [Numeric]
COUNT function [Aggregate]
DATALENGTH function [System]
DATE function [Date and time]
DATEADD function [Date and time]
DATEDIFF function [Date and time]
DATEFORMAT function [Date and time]
DATENAME function [Date and time]
DATEPART function [Date and time]
DATETIME function [Date and time]
DAY function [Date and time]
DAYNAME function [Date and time]
DAYS function [Date and time]
DB_ID function [System]
DB_NAME function [System]
DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY function [System]
DB_PROPERTY function [System]
DEGREES function [Numeric]
DIFFERENCE function [String]
DOW function [Date and time]
ERRORMSG function [Miscellaneous]
ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
ESTIMATE_SOURCE function [Miscellaneous]
EVENT_CONDITION function [System]
EVENT_CONDITION_NAME function [System]
EVENT_PARAMETER function [System]
EXP function [Numeric]
EXPERIENCE_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
EXPLANATION function [Miscellaneous]
EXPRTYPE function [Miscellaneous]
FLOOR function [Numeric]
GET_IDENTITY function [Miscellaneous]
GETDATE function [Date and time]
GRAPHICAL_PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
GRAPHICAL_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
GREATER function [Miscellaneous]
GROUPING function [Aggregate]
HEXTOINT function [Data type conversion]
HOUR function [Date and time]
HOURS function [Date and time]
IDENTITY function [Miscellaneous]
IFNULL function [Miscellaneous]
INDEX_ESTIMATE function [Miscellaneous]
INSERTSTR function [String]
INTTOHEX function [Data type conversion]
ISDATE function [Data type conversion]
ISNULL function [Data type conversion]
ISNUMERIC function [Miscellaneous]
LCASE function [String]
LEFT function [String]
LENGTH function [String]
LESSER function [Miscellaneous]
LIST function [Aggregate]
LOCATE function [String]
LOG function [Numeric]
LOG10 function [Numeric]
LONG_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
LOWER function [String]
LTRIM function [String]
MAX function [Aggregate]
MIN function [Aggregate]
MINUTE function [Date and time]
MINUTES function [Date and time]
MOD function [Numeric]
MONTH function [Date and time]
MONTHNAME function [Date and time]
MONTHS function [Date and time]
NEWID function [Miscellaneous]
NEXT_CONNECTION function [System]
NEXT_DATABASE function [System]
NOW function [Date and time]
NULLIF function [Miscellaneous]
NUMBER function [Miscellaneous]
OPENXML function [String]
PATINDEX function [String]
PI function [Numeric]
PLAN function [Miscellaneous]
POWER function [Numeric]
PROPERTY function [System]
PROPERTY_NAME function [System]
PROPERTY_NUMBER function [System]
QUARTER function [Date and time]
RADIANS function [Numeric]
RAND function [Numeric]
REMAINDER function [Numeric]
REPEAT function [String]
REPLACE function [String]
REPLICATE function [String]
REWRITE function [Miscellaneous]
RIGHT function [String]
ROUND function [Numeric]
RTRIM function [String]
SECOND function [Date and time]
SECONDS function [Date and time]
SHORT_ULPLAN function [Miscellaneous]
SIGN function [Numeric]
SIMILAR function [String]
SIN function [Numeric]
SORTKEY function [String]
SOUNDEX function [String]
SPACE function [String]
SQLDIALECT function [Miscellaneous]
SQRT function [Numeric]
STDDEV function [Aggregate]
STDDEV_POP function [Aggregate]
STDEV_SAMP function [Aggregate]
STR function [String]
STRING function [String]
STUFF function [String]
SUBSTRING function [String]
SUM function [Aggregate]
TAN function [Numeric]
TEXTPTR function [Text and image]
TODAY function [Date and time]
TRACEBACK function [Miscellaneous]
TRANSACTSQL function [Miscellaneous]
TRIM function [String]
TRUNCATE function [Numeric]
TRUNCNUM function [Numeric]
UCASE function [String]
UPPER function [String]
VAR_POP function [Aggregate]
VAR_SAMP function [Aggregate]
VARIANCE function [Aggregate]
VAREXISTS function [Miscellaneous]
WATCOMSQL function [Miscellaneous]
WEEKS function [Date and time]
XMLAGG function [String]
XMLCONCAT function [String]
XMLELEMENT function [String]
XMLFOREST function [String]
XMLGEN function [String]
YEARS function [Date and time]
YMD function [Date and time]

Contents Index Text and image functions ABS function [Numeric]