Contents Index VAREXISTS function [Miscellaneous] WEEKS function [Date and time]

ASA SQL Reference
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WATCOMSQL function [Miscellaneous]


Takes a Transact-SQL statement and rewrites it in the Watcom-SQL dialect. This can be useful when converting existing Adaptive Server Enterprise stored procedures into Watcom SQL syntax.


WATCOMSQL( sql-statement-string )

Standards and compatibility 
See also 

SQLDIALECT function [Miscellaneous]

TRANSACTSQL function [Miscellaneous]


The following statement returns the string 'select empl_name as EmployeeName from employee'.

SELECT WATCOMSQL( 'SELECT EmployeeName=empl_name FROM employee' ) FROM dummy

Contents Index VAREXISTS function [Miscellaneous] WEEKS function [Date and time]