Contents Index sa_conn_compression_info system procedure sa_conn_properties system procedure

ASA SQL Reference
  System Procedures and Functions
    System and catalog stored procedures

sa_conn_info system procedure


Reports connection property information.


sa_conn_info ( [ connection-id ] )



Side effects 



Returns a result set consisting of the following connection properties for the supplied connection. If no connection-id is supplied, information for all current connections to databases on the server is returned.

In a block situation, the BlockedOn value returned by this procedure allows you to check which users are blocked, and who they are blocked on. The sa_locks procedure can be used to display the locks held by the blocking connection; and if A holds locks on several tables you can match the LockName value between sa_locks and sa_conn_info.

For information on these properties, see Connection-level properties.

Contents Index sa_conn_compression_info system procedure sa_conn_properties system procedure