Contents Index Database properties Server-level properties

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Database Performance and Connection Properties
    Database properties

Connection-level properties

The following table lists properties available for each connection.


To retrieve the value of a connection property

To retrieve the values of all connection properties

Property Description
Allow_nulls_by_default ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT option [compatibility]
Ansi_blanks ANSI_BLANKS option [compatibility]
Ansi_close_cursors_on_rollback ANSI_CLOSE_CURSORS_ON_ROLLBACK option [compatibility]
Ansi_integer_overflow ANSI_INTEGER_OVERFLOW option [compatibility]
Ansi_permissions ANSI_PERMISSIONS option [compatibility]
Ansi_update_constraints ANSI_UPDATE_CONSTRAINTS option [compatibility]
Ansinull ANSINULL option [compatibility]
AppInfo AppInfo connection parameter [APP]
AuditingTypes The types of auditing currently enabled. AUDITING option [database]
Automatic_timestamp AUTOMATIC_TIMESTAMP option [compatibility]
Background_priority BACKGROUND_PRIORITY option [database]
BlockedOn If the current connection is not blocked, this is zero. If it is blocked, the connection number on which the connection is blocked due to a locking conflict.
Blocking BLOCKING option [database]
BytesReceived The number of bytes received during client/server communications.
BytesReceivedUncomp The number of bytes that would have been received during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for BytesReceived if compression is disabled.)
BytesSent The number of bytes sent during client/server communications.
BytesSentUncomp The number of bytes that would have been sent during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for BytesSent if compression is disabled.)
CacheHits The number of successful reads of the cache.
CacheRead The number of database pages that have been looked up in the cache.
CacheReadIndInt The number of index internal-node pages that have been read from the cache.
CacheReadIndLeaf The number of index leaf pages that have been read from the cache.
CacheReadTable The number of table pages that have been read from the cache.
Chained CHAINED option [compatibility]
CharSet The character set used by the connection.
Checkpoint_time CHECKPOINT_TIME option [database]
CIS_option Turns on debugging for remote data access.
Cis_rowset_size Reserved
ClientLibrary jConnect for jConnect connections; CT_Library for Open Client connections; CmdSeq for ODBC and Embedded SQL connections;
Close_on_EndTrans CLOSE_ON_ENDTRANS option [compatibility]
Commit The number of Commit requests that have been handled.
CommLink The communication link for the connection. This is one of the network protocols supported by Adaptive Server Anywhere, or is local for a same-machine connection.
CommNetworkLink The communication link for the connection. This is one of the network protocols supported by Adaptive Server Anywhere. Values can include SharedMemory, TCPIP, SPX or NamedPipes. The CommLinkNetwork property always returns the name of the link, regardless of whether it is same-machine or not.
CommProtocol Returns CmdSeq for Adaptive Server Anywhere protocol (ODBC and Embedded SQL) or TDS for Open Client and jConnect connections.
Compression Returns ON or OFF, to indicate whether communication compression is enabled on the connection.
Connection_authentication A string used to authenticate the client. Authentication is required before the database can be modified.
Conversion_error CONVERSION_ERROR option [compatibility]
Cooperative_commit_timeout COOPERATIVE_COMMIT_TIMEOUT option [database]
Cooperative_commits COOPERATIVE_COMMITS option [database]
Cursor The number of declared cursors that are currently being maintained by the server.
CursorOpen The number of open cursors that are currently being maintained by the server.
Database_authentication A string used to authenticate the database. Authentication is required before the database can be modified.
Date_format DATE_FORMAT option [compatibility]
Date_order DATE_ORDER option [compatibility]
DBNumber The ID number of the database.
Default_timestamp_increment DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT option [database]
Delayed_commit_timeout DELAYED_COMMIT_TIMEOUT option [database]
Delayed_commits DELAYED_COMMITS option [database]
DiskRead The number of pages that have been read from disk.
DiskReadIndInt The number of index internal-node pages that have been read from disk.
DiskReadIndLeaf The number of index leaf pages that have been read from disk.
DiskReadTable The number of table pages that have been read from disk.
DiskWrite The number of modified pages that have been written to disk.
Divide_by_zero_error DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_ERROR option [compatibility]
Encryption Encryption connection parameter [ENC]
Escape_character ESCAPE_CHARACTER option [compatibility]
EventName The name of the associated event if the connection is running an event handler. Otherwise, the result is NULL.
Extended_join_syntax EXTENDED_JOIN_SYNTAX option [database]
Fire_triggers FIRE_TRIGGERS option [compatibility]
Float_as_double FLOAT_AS_DOUBLE option [compatibility]
FullCompare The number of comparisons that have been performed beyond the hash value in an index.
IdleTimeout The idle timeout value of the connection.

For more information, see Idle connection parameter [IDLE].

IndAdd The number of entries that have been added to indexes.
IndLookup The number of entries that have been looked up in indexes.
Isolation_level ISOLATION_LEVEL option [compatibility]
Java_heap_size JAVA_HEAP_SIZE option [database]
Java_input_output JAVA_INPUT_OUTPUT option [database]
Java_namespace_size JAVA_NAMESPACE_SIZE option [database]
Java_page_buffer_size The page buffer size used by the Java VM.
JavaHeapSize The heap size per Java VM.
Language The locale language.
LastIdle The number of ticks between requests.
LastReqTime The time at which the last request for the specified connection started.
LastStatement The most recently prepared SQL statement for the current connection.

For more information, see -zl server option.

LivenessTimeout The liveness timeout period for the current connection.

For more information, see LivenessTimeout connection parameter [LTO].

Lock_rejected_rows Reserved
LockName A 64-bit unsigned integer value representing the lock for which a connection is waiting.
LogFreeCommit The number of Redo Free Commits. A "Redo Free Commit" occurs when a commit of the transaction log is requested but the log has already been written (so the commit was done for "free").
Login_mode LOGIN_MODE option [database]
Login_procedure LOGIN_PROCEDURE option [database]
LogWrite The number of pages that have been written to the transaction log.
Max_cursor_count MAX_CURSOR_COUNT option [database]
Max_plans_cached MAX_PLANS_CACHED option [database]
Max_statement_count MAX_STATEMENT_COUNT option [database]
Min_password_length MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH option [database]
Min_table_size_for_histogram MIN_TABLE_SIZE_FOR_HISTOGRAM option [database]
Name The name of the current connection.
Nearest_century NEAREST_CENTURY option [compatibility]
NodeAddress The node for the client in a client/server connection.
Non_keywords NON_KEYWORDS option [compatibility]
Number The ID number of the connection.
On_tsql_error ON_TSQL_ERROR option [compatibility]
Optimization_goal OPTIMIZATION_GOAL option [database]
Optimization_level Reserved
PacketsReceived The number of client/server communication packets received.
PacketsReceivedUncomp The number of packets that would have been received during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for PacketsReceived if compression is disabled.)
PacketsSent The number of client/server communication packets sent.
PacketsSentUncomp The number of packets that would have been sent during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for PacketsSent if compression is disabled.)
PacketSize The packet size used by the connection, in bytes.
Percent_as_comment PERCENT_AS_COMMENT option [compatibility]
Precision PRECISION option [database]
Prefetch PREFETCH option [database]
Prepares The number of statement preparations carried out.
PrepStmt The number of prepared statements currently being maintained by the server.
Query_plan_on_open QUERY_PLAN_ON_OPEN option [compatibility]
QueryBypassed The number of requests optimized by the optimizer bypass.
QueryCachePages The number of pages used to cache execution plans.
QueryCachedPlans The number of query execution plans currently cached for the connection.
QueryLowMemoryStrategy The number of times the server changed its execution plan during execution as a result of low memory conditions. The strategy can change because less memory is available than the optimizer estimated, or because the execution plan required more memory than the optimizer estimated.
QueryOptimized The number of requests that have been fully optimized.
QueryReused The number of requests that have been reused from the plan cache.
Quoted_identifier QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option [compatibility]
Recovery_time RECOVERY_TIME option [database]
Replicate_all REPLICATE_ALL option [replication]
ReqType A string for the type of the last request.
RI_trigger_time RI_TRIGGER_TIME option [compatibility]
Rlbk The number of Rollback requests that have been handled.
RollbackLogPages The number of pages in the rollback log.
Row_counts ROW_COUNTS option [database]
Scale SCALE option [database]
SQL_flagger_error_level SQL_FLAGGER_ERROR_LEVEL option [compatibility]
SQL_flagger_warning_level SQL_FLAGGER_WARNING_LEVEL option [compatibility]
String_rtruncation STRING_RTRUNCATION option [compatibility]
Suppress_TDS_debugging SUPPRESS_TDS_DEBUGGING option [database]
TDS_empty_string_is_null TDS_EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL option [database]
TempTablePages The number of pages in the temporary file used for temporary tables.
Time_format TIME_FORMAT option [compatibility]
Timestamp_format TIMESTAMP_FORMAT option [compatibility]
TimeZoneAdjustment The number of minutes that must be added to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to display time local to the connection. By default, the value is set according to the client's time zone.
Truncate_timestamp_values TRUNCATE_TIMESTAMP_VALUES option [database]
Truncate_with_autocommit TRUNCATE_WITH_AUTO_COMMIT option [database]
Tsql_hex_constant TSQL_HEX_CONSTANT option [compatibility]
Tsql_variables TSQL_VARIABLES option [compatibility]
UncommitOp The number of uncommitted operations.
User_estimates USER_ESTIMATES option [database]
Userid The user ID for the connection.
UtilCmdsPermitted Returns ON or OFF to indicate whether utility commands such as CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, and RESTORE DATABASE are permitted for the connection.

For more information, see -gu server option.

Wait_for_commit WAIT_FOR_COMMIT option [database]

Contents Index Database properties Server-level properties