Contents Index Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures

ASA SQL Reference
  System Procedures and Functions
    Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures

Adaptive Server Enterprise system procedures

The following list describes the Adaptive Server Enterprise system procedures that are provided in Adaptive Server Anywhere.

While these procedures perform the same functions as they do in Adaptive Server Enterprise and pre-Version 12 Adaptive Server IQ, they are not identical. If you have preexisting scripts that use these procedures, you may want to examine the procedures. To see the text of a stored procedure, you can open it in Sybase Central or, in Interactive SQL, run the following command.

sp_helptext procedure_name

You may need to reset the width of your Interactive SQL output to see the full text, by selecting Command > Options and entering a new Limit Display Columns value.

System procedure Description
sp_addgroup group-name
Adds a group to a database
sp_addlogin userid, password[, defdb [, deflanguage [, fullname]]]
Adds a new login ID to a database
sp_addmessage message-num, message_text [, language]
Adds a user-defined message to SYSUSERMESSAGES, for use by stored procedure PRINT and RAISERROR calls
sp_addtype typename, data-type [, "identity" | nulltype]
Creates a user-defined data type
sp_adduser login_name [, name_in_db [, grpname]]
Adds a new user ID to a database
sp_changegroup new-group-name, userid
Changes a user's group or adds a user to a group
sp_dboption [dbname, optname, {true | false}]
Displays or changes a database option
sp_dropgroup group-name
Drops a group from a database
sp_droplogin userid
Drops a login ID from a database
sp_dropmessage message-number [, language]
Drops a user-defined message
sp_droptype typename
Drops a user-defined data type
sp_dropuser userid
Drops a user ID from a database
sp_getmessage message-num, @msg-var output [, language]
Retrieves a stored message string from SYSUSERMESSAGES, for PRINT and RAISERROR statements.
sp_helptext object-name
Displays the text of a system procedure, trigger, or view
sp_password caller_passwd, new_passwd [, userid]
Adds or changes a password for a user ID

Contents Index Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures