Contents Index Adaptive Server Enterprise system procedures Index

ASA SQL Reference
  System Procedures and Functions
    Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures

Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures

Adaptive Server Anywhere implements a subset of the Adaptive Server Enterprise catalog procedures. The implemented catalog procedures are described in the following table.

Catalog procedure Description
sp_columns table-name [, table-owner ] [, table-qualifier] [, column-name]
Returns the data types of the specified columns
sp_fkeys pktable_name [, pktable-owner][, pktable-qualifier] [, fktable-name] [, fktable_owner] [, fktable-qualifier]
Returns foreign key information about the specified table
sp_pkeys table-name [, table_owner] [, table_qualifier]
Returns primary key information about the specified table
sp_special_columns table_name [, table-owner] [, table-qualifier] [, col-type]
Returns the optimal set of columns that uniquely identify a row in the specified table
sp_sproc_columns proc-name [, proc_owner] [, proc-qualifier] [, column-name]
Returns information about a stored procedure's input and return parameters
sp_stored_procedures [sp-name] [, sp-owner] [, sp-qualifier]
Returns information about one or more stored procedures
sp_statistics [table_name] [, table_owner] [, table_qualities] [, index_name] [, is_unique]
Returns information about tables and their indexes
sp_tables table-name [, table-owner] [, table-qualifier] [, table-type]
Returns a list of objects that can appear in a FROM clause for the specified table

Contents Index Adaptive Server Enterprise system procedures Index