Contents Index Turning on auditing Adding audit comments

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
  Keeping Your Data Secure
    Auditing database activity

Retrieving audit information

You can use the Log Translation [dbtran] utility to retrieve audit information. You can access this utility from Sybase Central or from the command prompt. It operates on a transaction log to produce a SQL script containing all of the transactions, along with some information on what user executed each command. By using the -g option, dbtran includes more comments containing the auditing information.

To ensure a complete and readable audit record, the -g option automatically sets the following options:

You can run the Log Translation Utility against a running database server or against a database log file.

To retrieve auditing information from a running database server

  1. Make sure your user ID has DBA authority.

  2. With the database server running, execute the following statement at a system command prompt:

    dbtran -g -c "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;..." -n asademo.SQL

    For information about connection strings, see Connection parameters.

To retrieve auditing information from a transaction log file

  1. Close the database server to ensure the log file is available.

  2. At a system command prompt, execute the following statement to place the information from the file asademo.log and into the file asademo.SQL.

    dbtran -g asademo.log

    The -g option includes auditing information in the output file.

For more information, see The Log Translation utility.

Contents Index Turning on auditing Adding audit comments