Contents Index Adaptive Server Anywhere software installation Running the database engine

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide

Creating a database

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

To operate in a C2 compliant configuration, your database must be C2 compliant as well. All connections to the database must use the integrated login mechanism. Standard connections to the database (for example, specifying a user ID and password) are not allowed in the certified configuration.

To create a C2 compliant database

  1. Log in as sybase.

  2. From the Start menu, choose Programs > Command Prompt.

  3. Use the dbinit utility to create a database with the following restrictions:

  4. Once the database is created, you need to connect to the database.

    This connection must only be used to set the min_password_length option and the DBA's password.

  5. At a command prompt, type dbisqlc -c UID=DBA;PWD=SQL;DBF=file where file is the full path of the database file created above.

    Interactive SQL appears after a few seconds.

    For information on using the dbisqlc utility in the certified configuration, see Interactive SQL utility and Restrictions.

  6. Type set option public.min_password_length=6 (or higher) and click Execute.

  7. Type grant connect to DBA identified by newpw where newpw is the new password for the DBA account, and click Execute.

    The new password must be at least as long as the number entered in step 5, and should not be easy to guess.

  8. Type grant integrated login to sybase as user DBA, and click Execute.

  9. Type set option public.login_mode='Integrated', and click Execute.

  10. Exit Interactive SQL by clicking the X in the top right corner of the window.

Contents Index Adaptive Server Anywhere software installation Running the database engine