Contents Index Creating a database Auditing

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide

Running the database engine

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

  1. Log in to Windows NT as administrator.

    You require administrator privileges to create, start, and stop services.

  2. Open a command prompt.

  3. Use the dbsvc utility to create a service with the following restrictions:

  4. Enter the full path to any database files you wish to run.

    The path should be in the format database-folder\filename.db, where database-folder is your C2 database folder, and include any other relevant parameters.

    For example, the following command line creates a service called asa_svc that starts manually, and refers to a network server. It runs under the sybase account, whose password is sybase_password. It executes the following command:

    C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\
    dbsrv9.exe -n asa_c2 -sc -gd DBA -gk DBA
    -gl DBA -gu DBA -x namedpipes(TDS=NO)
    dbsvc -a sybase -p sybase_password -s manual
    -t network -w asa_svc C:\Program Files\Sybase\
    SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbsrv9.exe -n asa_c2 -sc
    -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gu DBA
    -x namedpipes(TDS=NO) database-folder\c2test.db

    For information on using the engine and the server in the certified configuration, see Database engine/server.

  5. To start and stop the service, run the Windows NT service manager from the control panel. From the Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel, and then double-click Services.

    The service you just created appears under Adaptive Server Anywhere - svc where svc is the service name you specified on the dbsvc command line.

  6. Use the Start and Stop buttons to start and stop the service.

Contents Index Creating a database Auditing