Contents Index Table 6.3 - Format of audit records - variable by type Auditing of database utilities

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide

Administration of audit records

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

The Log translation [dbtran] utility can retrieve audit records from the transaction log. Using the -u or -x switches when invoking dbtran, records can be filtered depending on the user name. Audit records cannot be deleted. However, the transaction log can be purged or truncated using the dblog or dbbackup utilities.

For more information about purging the transaction log, see Transaction log utility.

If the audit log (in the case of Adaptive Server Anywhere, the transaction log) becomes full, the engine or server will rollback all pending transactions and fail all subsequent requests. At this point, the transaction log must be truncated in order to continue using the database. It is strongly recommended that you back up the transaction log before truncating it. The easiest way to back up the transaction log is to stop the engine, and then copy the file to another disk. You can then delete the old transaction log file and restart the engine or server. A new transaction log file will then be created.

Contents Index Table 6.3 - Format of audit records - variable by type Auditing of database utilities