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SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
  Restricted Syntax

Transaction log utility

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.


dblog [ optional-switches ] c2-database-folder\database-file

Optional switches: 
Switch Description Restrictions
-g n Set LTM generation number.
-il Ignore LTM truncation point.
-ir Ignore SQL Remote truncation point.
-m name Set transaction log mirror name. Full path must be specified; file must reside in your C2 database folder.
-o file Log output messages to file.
-q Quiet: do not print messages.
-r Do not use a transaction log mirror.
-t name Set transaction log name. Full path must be specified; file must reside in your C2 database folder.
-x n Zap transaction log current relative offset to n.
-z n Zap transaction log starting offset to n.

Contents Index Service creation utility Interactive SQL utility