Contents Index Initialization utility Transaction log utility

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
  Restricted Syntax

Service creation utility

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

Syntax 1 

dbsvc [ optional-switches ] -d svc name

Syntax 2 

dbsvc [ optional-switches ] -a sybase [ creation-switches ] -w svc-name

Syntax 3 

dbsvc [ -q ] -d svc name

Syntax 4 

dbsvc [ -q ] -l

Required switches: 
Switch Description Reason
-a sybase Account name to use The Adaptive Server Anywhere service must run as the sybase user.
Optional switches: 
Switch Description Restrictions
-q Do not print banner
-y Delete or overwrite service without confirmation
Creation switches: 
Switch Description Restrictions
-p passwd Specify the password for the sybase account.
-s startup Startup option. Startup must be Automatic, Manual, or Disabled. Default is Manual.
-t type Type of service. Type must be Network or Standalone. Default is Standalone.

For syntax 2, Details must contain the full path to the Adaptive Server Anywhere engine or server executable, as well as the parameters for that engine or server.

For more information about the engine and server parameters, see Database engine/server.

Contents Index Initialization utility Transaction log utility