Contents Index Integrated Logins Connecting to the Adaptive Server Anywhere Service

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
  Integrated Logins

Using integrated login

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

Adaptive Server Anywhere uses the integrated login mechanism to map a Windows NT user to an Adaptive Server Anywhere user. When a Windows NT user attempts to connect to the database, the operating system provides assurance that the user has been authenticated (usually using a password). If the database server contains a mapping between that Windows NT user and a valid Adaptive Server Anywhere user, that user can connect.

For use in the C2 certified configuration, Adaptive Server Anywhere requires the use of integrated login exclusively. An integrated login must be created for the DBA account in the database, and it is recommended that the sybase Windows NT user be used for this purpose. As well, integrated login mappings must be one-to-one. That is, two Windows NT user accounts may not be mapped to the same Adaptive Server Anywhere account.

For instructions on how to create an integrated login for the sybase user, see Creating a database.

For more information on integrated login, see Connecting to a Database.

Contents Index Integrated Logins Connecting to the Adaptive Server Anywhere Service