Contents Index Set up the remote database Load the remote database information

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Tutorials for Adaptive Server Anywhere Users
    Tutorial: Adaptive Server Anywhere replication using Interactive SQL and dbxtract
      Set up the remote database

Extract the remote database information

Leave the hq database running, and change to the tutorial directory.

Type the following command at the system command line (all on one line) to extract a database for the user field_user from the consolidated database:

dbxtract -v -c "dbn=hq;uid=dba;pwd=sql" c:\tutorial field_user

The -v option produces more verbose output. This is useful during development.

This command assumes the hq database is currently running on the default server. If the database is not running, you should enter a database file parameter in the connection string:


instead of the dbn database name parameter.

For details of the dbxtract utility and its options, see The extraction utility.

The dbxtract command creates a SQL command file named reload.sql in the current directory and a data file in the c:\tutorial directory. It also starts the subscriptions to the remote user.

The next step is to load these files into the remote database.

Contents Index Set up the remote database Load the remote database information