Contents Index Replication goals First steps

SQL Remote User's Guide
  A Tutorial for Adaptive Server Enterprise Users

Tutorial: Adaptive Server Enterprise replication

The following sections are a tutorial describing how to set up a simple SQL Remote replication system.

This tutorial describes the stored procedures used to configure and manage SQL Remote. It also describes how to run the ssxtract utility to extract remote databases from a consolidated database and the Message Agents to send information between the databases in the replication system.

In this tutorial you act as the administrator of the consolidated database, and set up a simple replication system using the file-sharing message link. The simple example is a primitive model for a sales-force automation system, with two tables. One contains a list of sales representatives, and another a list of customers. The tables are replicated in a setup with one consolidated database and one remote database. You can install this example on one computer.

First steps
Setting up the consolidated database

Contents Index Replication goals First steps