Contents Index Tutorial: Adaptive Server Enterprise replication Setting up the consolidated database

SQL Remote User's Guide
  A Tutorial for Adaptive Server Enterprise Users
    Tutorial: Adaptive Server Enterprise replication

First steps

Create a login name and password 

To work through the tutorial, you must have system administrator privileges on an Adaptive Server Enterprise server. The tutorial assumes that your login name is the two-letter word sa and that your password is sysadmin.

The tutorial uses the Adaptive Server Enterprise isql utility. With the login name and password as given above, you can connect to your Adaptive Server Enterprise server using the following command line:

isql -S server-name -U sa -P sysadmin

where server-name is the name of the Adaptive Server Enterprise server to which you connect.

Ensure that you have an appropriate login ID and can connect to your server before starting this tutorial.

Create a database 

Create a database named hq on your Adaptive Server Enterprise server with sufficient space to hold the tables and data required by the tutorial database. A space of 4 Mb is sufficient.

To create a database

  1. Using isql, connect to the server as a user with system administrator privileges:

    isql -S server-name -U sa -P sysadmin
  2. Use the master database:

    use master
  3. Create a database named hq. In this example, we use a 5 Mb database with a 5 Mb log, on two different devices:

    create database hq
    on database_device = 5
    log on log_device = 5

For more information on how to create databases and assign space to them, see your Adaptive Server Enterprise documentation.

Install SQL Remote 

You need to install SQL Remote into the hq database.

To install SQL Remote into the hq database

  1. If the system administrator login name you are using does not have the hq database as the default database, make a backup copy of the ssremote.sql script from your installation directory, and add the following two lines to the beginning of the script:

    use hq
  2. Change to the tutorial directory. Then, using isql, connect to the server using the hq database, and run the ssremote.sql script from your SQL Remote installation directory. The following command should be entered all on one line:

    isql -S server-name -U sa -P sysadmin -i ssremote.sql
  3. If the system administrator login name you are using does not have the hq database as the default database, make a backup copy of the stableq.sql script from your installation directory, and add the following two lines to the beginning of the script:

    use hq
  4. Using isql, connect to the server using the hq database, and run the stableq.sql script from your SQL Remote installation directory. The following command should be entered all on one line:

    isql -S server-name -U sa -P sysadmin -i stableq.sql
Create directories for messages 

Create a directory to hold the files from this tutorial. For example:

mkdir c:\tutorial

You should create a directory for each of the two users of the replication system under your parent directory for this tutorial:

mkdir c:\tutorial\hq
mkdir c:\tutorial\field

The next step is to add a pair of tables to the consolidated database.

To add tables to the consolidated database

  1. Connect to the hq database from isql, as a system administrator.

  2. Use the hq database:

    use hq
  3. Create the SalesRep table with the following statement:

    create table SalesRep (
       rep_key char(12) not null,
       name char(40) not null,
       primary key (rep_key) )
  4. Create the Customer table with the following statement:

    create table Customer (
       cust_key char(12) not null,
       name char(40) not null,
       rep_key char(12) not null,
       primary key (cust_key) )
  5. Alter the Customer table to add a foreign key to the SalesRep table:

    alter table Customer
    add foreign key
    ( rep_key ) references SalesRep

You are now ready for the rest of the tutorial.

Contents Index Tutorial: Adaptive Server Enterprise replication Setting up the consolidated database