Contents Index Working with message types Using commands to work with message types

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Administration
    Using message types
      Working with message types

Using Sybase Central to work with message types

You can create and alter message types in Sybase Central. Message types appear on the Message Types tab in the right pane when the SQL Remote Users folder is selected. This section applies only to Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.

You must have DBA authority to create and alter message types.

To add a message type (Sybase Central)

  1. Connect to a database.

  2. In the left pane, open the SQL Remote Users folder for that database.

  3. In the right pane, click the Message Types tab.

  4. From the File menu, choose New > Message Type.

    The Message Type Creation wizard appears.

  5. In the Message Type Creation wizard, enter a message type name. The name should correspond to a message-type DLL already installed in your Adaptive Server Anywhere directory. Click Next.

  6. Enter a publisher address and click Finish to save the definition in the database.

If you wish to change the publisher's address, you can do so by altering a message type. You cannot change the name of an existing message type; instead, you must delete it and create a new message type with the new name.

To alter a message type (Sybase Central)

  1. In the left pane, open the SQL Remote Users folder for a database.

  2. In the right pane, click the Message Types tab.

  3. In the right pane, right-click the message type you wish to alter and choose Properties from the popup menu.

  4. On the property sheet, configure the various options.

If you wish to drop a message type from the installation, you can do so.

To drop a message type (Sybase Central)

  1. In the left pane, open the SQL Remote Users folder for a database.

  2. In the right pane, click the Message Types tab.

  3. In the right pane, right-click the message type you wish to alter and choose Delete from the popup menu.

Creating message types for Windows CE 

From within the Sybase Central Utilities tab (select Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 in the left pane, and then click the Utilities tab in the right pane), if you have Windows CE services installed, you have an option to set up SQL Remote for ActiveSync synchronization. This sets your folder for FILE message link messages to be the ActiveSync folder. When you dock your Windows CE machine to your desktop machine, ActiveSync keeps the files in your desktop machine's ActiveSync folder synchronized with those in the Windows CE ActiveSync folder.

Contents Index Working with message types Using commands to work with message types