Contents Index Using Sybase Central to work with message types Setting message type control parameters

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Administration
    Using message types
      Working with message types

Using commands to work with message types

To create a message type (SQL)

  1. Make sure you have decided on an address for the publisher under the message type.

  2. Execute a CREATE REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE command.

    For Adaptive Server Anywhere, the CREATE REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement has the following syntax:

    ADDRESS address-string

    For Adaptive Server Enterprise, use the sp_remote_type procedure. This procedure takes the following arguments:

    sp_remote_type type-nameaddress-string

    In these statements, type-name is one of the message systems supported by SQL Remote, and address-string is the publisher's address under that message system.

If you wish to change the publisher's address, you can do so by altering the message type.

To alter a message type (SQL)

  1. Make sure you have decided on a new address for the publisher under the message type.

  2. Execute an ALTER REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement.

    For Adaptive Server Anywhere, the ALTER REMOTE MESSAGE TYPE statement has the following syntax:

    ADDRESS address-string

    For Adaptive Server Enterprise, use the sp_remote_type procedure in the same way as creating a message type. This procedure takes the following arguments:

    sp_remote_type type-nameaddress-string

    In these statements, type-name is one of the message systems supported by SQL Remote, and address-string is the publisher's address under that message system.

You can also drop message types if they are no longer used in your installation. This has the effect of removing the publisher's address from the definition.

To drop a message type (SQL)

See also

Contents Index Using Sybase Central to work with message types Setting message type control parameters