UltraLite User's Guide
Tutorial: A Sample UltraLite Application
CustDB is a sample application included with UltraLite. It is a simple sales-status application that you can run against any of the supported databases, and on any of the supported target operating systems.
By working with the CustDB sample application, this chapter demonstrates the following core features of UltraLite.
UltraLite database applications run on small devices using very limited resources.
UltraLite applications include a relational database engine.
UltraLite applications share data with a central, consolidated database in a two-way synchronization scheme. The UltraLite databases are also called remote databases.
Each remote database contains a subset of the data in the consolidated database.
The MobiLink synchronization server carries out data synchronization between the consolidated database and each UltraLite installation.
SQL scripts stored in the consolidated database implement the synchronization logic.
You can use Sybase Central to browse and edit the synchronization scripts.
The CustDB sample application
File locations for the sample application
Synchronization techniques in the sample application