UltraLite User's Guide
Tutorial: A Sample UltraLite Application
Versions of the CustDB application are supplied for each supported operating system. Also, source code for the application is provided in embedded SQL, the C++ API, and Java. This tutorial uses the compiled version of the application for Windows, the Palm Computing Platform, and Windows CE.
For information about the Java version of the sample application, see The UltraLite Java sample application.
When running the sample application, you are acting as an order taker or sales manager. The application allows you to view outstanding orders, approve or deny orders, and add new orders.
You can carry out the following tasks with the sample application.
View lists of customers and products.
Add new customers.
Add or delete orders.
Scroll through the list of outstanding orders.
Accept or deny orders.
Synchronize changes with the consolidated database.
When you run the CustDB UltraLite application, you are working on a single remote database, and synchronizing your changes with a consolidated database.
In a typical UltraLite installation, there will be many remote databases, each running on a handheld device, and each containing a small subset of the data from the consolidated database.