Contents Index Introduction Lesson 2: Create a form interface

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Tutorial: An UltraLite for MobileVB Application for Palm OS

Lesson 1: Create a project architecture

The first step is to create a directory to hold your work, and an UltraLite schema file that holds the database schema.

Create a directory and a schema file

  1. Create a directory to hold the files you create in this tutorial.

    This tutorial assumes the directory is c:\tutorial\mvb. If you create a directory with a different name, use that directory instead of c:\tutorial\mvb throughout the tutorial.

  2. Design a database schema using the UltraLite Schema Painter:

    To start the UltraLite Schema Painter, choost Start > Programs > SQL Anywhere Studio 9 > UltraLite > UltraLite Schema Painter.

    For more information on creating database schemas with the UltraLite Schema Painter, see the UltraLite Schema Painter Tutorial.

  3. Export the schema to Palm with a creator id of Syb3.

    1. From the File menu, choose Export Schema for Palm.

    2. Enter Syb3 as the creator ID.

    3. Save the file as tutcustomer.pdb in your tutorial directory.

    A note on Palm Creator ID's 
    A Palm creator ID is assigned to you by Palm. You can use Syb3 as your creator ID when you make sample applications for your own learning. However, when you create your commercial application, you should use your own creator ID.
Configure MobileVB for UltraLite development 

The next step is to create an UltraLite for MobileVB project for your application. You can use a MobileVB project to get MobileVB controls that are suitable for small devices. On the Visual Basic toolbar on the left of the Visual Basic environment, MobileVB tools appear in addition to the standard Visual Basic tools.

To create an UltraLite for MobileVB project

  1. Start MobileVB

    Click Start > Programs > AppForge MobileVB > Start MobileVB.

  2. Create a new project.

  3. Choose a design target for your application. When asked for the Design Target, choose Palm OS.

  4. Create a Visual Basic reference to the UltraLite for MobileVB component:

  5. Give the Project a name.

  6. Save the Project:

You are now ready to proceed to the next step in the tutorial.

Contents Index Introduction Lesson 2: Create a form interface