Contents Index Lesson 3: Write connection, synchronization, and table code Write code for data manipulation

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Tutorial: An UltraLite for MobileVB Application for Palm OS
    Lesson 3: Write connection, synchronization, and table code

Write code for connecting to your database

In this application, you connect to the database in the Form Load event.

Write code to connect to the UltraLite database

  1. Specify the connection parameters.

    1. Add a ULConnectionParms control to your form. The ULConnectionParms control is a database icon on the toolbox.

    2. In the Properties window, specify the following ULConnectionParms properties:

      Property Value
      DatabaseOnDesktop c:\tutorial\mvb\tutCustomer.udb
      DatabaseOnPalm Syb3
      SchemaOnDesktop c:\tutorial\mvb\tutCustomer.usm
      SchemaOnPalm tutcustomer
  2. Declare global UltraLite objects.

    Enter the following code at the top of the form in the declarations area. This code declares the UltraLite objects you will need in this sample.

    Public DatabaseMgr As New ULDatabaseManager
    Public Connection As ULConnection
    Public CustomerTable As ULTable

    These variables are used through the application. Note that the DatabaseMgr variable is also allocated as a new object.

  3. Add the code to connect to the database in the Form Load event.

    The code below opens the connection to the database and if the database is new, it assigns a schema to it.

    Sub Form_Load()
        On Error Resume Next
        Set Connection = _
            DatabaseMgr.OpenConnectionWithParms( _
        If Err.Number = ULSQLCode.ulSQLE_NOERROR Then
            MsgBox "Connected to an existing database"
        ElseIf Err.Number = _
            Set Connection = _
            DatabaseMgr.CreateDatabaseWithParms( _
            If Err.Number = ULSQLCode.ulSQLE_NOERROR _
                MsgBox "Connected to a new database"
                MsgBox Err.Description
            End If
            MsgBox Err.Description
        End If
    End Sub

    This code attempts to connect to an existing database. If the database does not exist, it creates a new database from the schema file and establishes a connection.

  4. Write the code that ends the application and closes the connection when the End button is clicked:

    Sub btnDone_Click()
    End Sub
  5. Run the application in the development environment.

You have now written a routine to establish a connection to a database. The next lesson describes how to access data.

Contents Index Lesson 3: Write connection, synchronization, and table code Write code for data manipulation