Contents Index Write code for connecting to your database Write code to synchronize

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Tutorial: An UltraLite for MobileVB Application for Palm OS
    Lesson 3: Write connection, synchronization, and table code

Write code for data manipulation

The next step is to write code for data manipulation and navigation.

To open the table

  1. Write code that initializes the table and moves to the first row.

    Add the following code to the Form_Load routine, just before the End Sub instruction:

    Set CustomerTable = Connection.GetTable("customer")
    If Err.Number <> ULSQLCode.ulSQLE_NOERROR Then
        MsgBox Err.Description
    End If

    This code assigns the CustomerTable variable and opens the table so data can be read or manipulated. The call to MoveBeforeFirst positions the application before the first row of data in the table - but note that it is not strictly speaking, required, because after you call open, you are already positioned before the first row. There are no rows in the table at the moment.

  2. Create a new function called DisplayCurrentRow and implement it as shown below.

    Private Sub DisplayCurrentRow()
        If CustomerTable.RowCount = 0 Then
            txtFname.Text = ""
            txtLname.Text = ""
            txtCity.Text = ""
            txtPhone.Text = ""
            lblID.Caption = ""
            lblID.Caption = _
            txtFname.Text = _
            txtLname.Text = _
            If CustomerTable.Column("City").IsNull Then
                txtCity.Text = _
            End If
            If CustomerTable.Column("City").IsNull Then
                txtcity.Text = ""
                txtphone.Text = _
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    If the table has no rows, the application displays empty controls. Otherwise, it displays the values stored in each of the columns of the current row of the database.

  3. Call this function from the Form's Activate function.

    Private Sub Form_Activate()
    End Sub

    This call ensures the fields get updated when the application starts.

    At this stage you may wish to run the application to check that you have entered the code correctly. As there are no rows in the table, the controls are all empty.

To insert rows into the table

  1. Implement the code for the Insert button.

    Add the following routine to the form:

    Private Sub btnInsert_Click()
        Dim fname As String
        Dim lname As String
        Dim city As String
        Dim phone As String
        fname = txtFname.Text
        lname = txtLname.Text
        city = txtCity.Text
        phone = txtPhone.Text
        On Error GoTo InsertError
        CustomerTable.Column("Fname").StringValue = _
        CustomerTable.Column("Lname").StringValue = _
        If Len(city) > 0 Then
            CustomerTable.Column("City").StringValue = _
        End If
        If Len(phone) > 0 Then
           CustomerTable.Column("Phone").StringValue = _
        End If
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error:  " & CStr(Err.Description)
    End Sub

    The call to InsertBegin puts the application into insert mode and sets all the values in the row to their defaults (for example, the ID column receives the next autoincrement value). The column values are set and then the new row is inserted. Note that if an error occurs during the insert, a message box will display the error number.

  2. Run the application.

    After the initial message box, the form is displayed.

With two rows in the table, it is now time to implement the code to scroll through the rows and display each.

To move through the rows of the table

  1. Implement the code for the Next and Previous buttons:

    Add the following routines to the form:

    Private Sub btnNext_Click()
        If Not CustomerTable.MoveNext Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnPrevious_Click()
        If Not CustomerTable.MovePrevious Then
        End If
    End Sub
  2. Run the application.

    When the form is first displayed, the controls are empty as the current position is before the first row.

    After the form is displayed, click Next and Previous to move through the rows of the table.

The next step is to modify the data in a row by updating or deleting it.

To update and delete rows in the table

  1. Implement the code for the Update button.

    Add the following routine to the form:

    Private Sub btnUpdate_Click()
        Dim fname As String
        Dim lname As String
        Dim city As String
        Dim phone As String
        fname = txtFname.Text
        lname = txtLname.Text
        city = txtCity.Text
        phone = txtPhone.Text
        On Error GoTo UpdateError
        CustomerTable.Column("Fname").StringValue = _
        CustomerTable.Column("Lname").StringValue = _
        If Len(city) > 0 Then
            CustomerTable.Column("City").StringValue = _
        End If
        If Len(phone) > 0 Then
           CustomerTable.Column("Phone").StringValue = _
        End If
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error:  " & CStr(Err.Description)
    End Sub

    The call to UpdateBegin puts the application into update mode. The column values are updated and then the row itself is updated with a call to Update.

  2. Implement the code for the Delete button.

    Add the following routine to the form:

    Private Sub btnDelete_Click()
        If CustomerTable.RowCount = 0 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        CustomerTable.MoveRelative 0
    End Sub

    The call to Delete deletes the current row on which the application is positioned.

  3. Run the application.

    The data manipulation and display part of the application is now complete. Try inserting, updating, and deleting rows. Also, use the Next and Previous buttons to move through the rows. Check the label to see which row you are on.

You can now run this application as a stand-alone application without SQL Anywhere Studio. If you wish to synchronize your UltraLite database with an Adaptive Server Anywhere database, please complete the next lesson in the tutorial.

Contents Index Write code for connecting to your database Write code to synchronize