Contents Index ULColumnSchema class ULConnection class

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULColumnSchema class


Prototype Description
AutoIncrement As Boolean (read-only) Indicates whether this column defaults to an autoincrement value. True if AutoIncrement.
DefaultValue As String (read-only) Gets the value used if one was not provided when a row was inserted.
GlobalAutoIncrement As Boolean (read-only) Indicates whether this column defaults to a global autoincrement value.
ID As Integer(read-only) Gets the ID of the column.
Name As String (read-only) Gets the column name.
Nullable As Boolean (read-only) Indicates whether the column permits NULLs.
OptimalIndex As ULIndexSchema (read-only) Gets the index with this column as its first column.
Precision As Integer (read-only) Gets the precision value for the column if it is of type ulTypeNumeric.
Scale As Integer (read-only) Gets the scale value for the column if it is of type ulTypeNumeric.
Size As Long (read-only) Gets the column size for binary, numeric, and character data types.
SQLType As ULSQLType (read-only) Gets the SQL type assigned to the column when it was created.

Contents Index ULColumnSchema class ULConnection class