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UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference

ULConnection class

The ULConnection object represents an UltraLite database connection. It provides methods to get database objects like tables, and to synchronize.

Use WithEvents when receiving synchronization progress  
When synchronizing, the ULConnection object can also receive progress information. If you wish to receive this information, you must declare your connection WithEvents. You can perform synchronization without declaring your connection WithEvents; however, your connection object will not receive notification of synchronization progress.

To declare a connection WithEvents, in a MobileVB form, use the following syntax:

Public WithEvents Connection As ULConnection

The addition of WithEvents makes receipt of synchronization progress information possible.

CancelSynchronize method
ChangeEncryptionKey method
Close method
Commit method
CountUploadRows method
GetNewUUID method
GetTable method
GrantConnectTo method
LastDownloadTime method
OnReceive event
OnSend event
OnStateChange event
OnTableChange event
PrepareStatement method
ResetLastDownloadTime method
RevokeConnectFrom method
Rollback method
StartSynchronizationDelete method
StopSynchronizationDelete method
StringToUUID method
Synchronize method
UUIDToString method

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