Contents Index ULConnection class CancelSynchronize method

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULConnection class


The following are properties of ULConnection:

Prototype Description
AutoCommit As Boolean Indicates the AutoCommit value. If true, all data changes are committed immediately after they are made. Otherwise, changes are not committed to the database until Commit is called. By default, this property is True.
DatabaseID As Long (write-only) Sets the identification number for the connected database. When you write the DatabaseID, you set the database ID value to be used for global autoincrement columns.
GlobalAutoIncrementUsage As Integer (read-only) Gets the percentage of available global autoincrement values that have been used.
LastIdentity As Long (read-only) Gets the most recent value inserted into a column with a default of autoincrement or global autoincrement.
OpenParms As String (read-only) Gets the string used to open the connection to the database.
Schema As ULDatabaseSchema (read-only) Gets the ULDatabaseSchema object which represents the definition of the database.
SQLErrorOffset As Integer (read-only) If PrepareStatement raises an error, indicates the 1-based offset in the SQL statement where the error was noted. If this value is less than or equal to 0, no offset information is available.

Contents Index ULConnection class CancelSynchronize method