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UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULConnection class

ChangeEncryptionKey method


ChangeEncryptionKey( newkeyAs String  )
Member of UltraLiteAFLib.ULConnection


Encrypt the database with the specified key.


newkey    The new encryption key value for the database.


When you call CreateDatabaseWithParms and pass in the parms object, with a value in place for EncryptionKey, the database is created with encryption. Another way to change the encryption key is by specifying the new encryption key on the ULConnection object. In this example, "apricot" is the key.

Connection.ChangeEncryptionKey( "apricot" )

Connections to the database, such as OpenConnectionWithParms, must, after the database is encrypted, specify apricot as the EncryptionKey property too. Otherwise, the connection will fail.

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