Contents Index OnReceive event OnStateChange event

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULConnection class

OnSend event


   nBytes As Long, _
   nInserts As Long, _
   nUpdates As Long, _
   nDeletes As Long _
Member of UltraLiteAFLib.ULConnection


Reports upload information from the remote database via MobiLink to the consolidated database. This event may be called several times.


nBytes    Cumulative count of bytes sent by the remote application to the consolidated database via MobiLink.

nInserts    Cumulative count of inserts sent by the remote application to the consolidated database via MobiLink.

nUpdates    Cumulative count of updates sent by the remote application to the consolidated database via MobiLink.

nDeletes    Cumulative count of deletes sent by the remote application to the consolidated database via MobiLink.


See the CustDB application for an example of this method.

Contents Index OnReceive event OnStateChange event