Contents Index ULConnectionParms class ULDatabaseManager class

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULConnectionParms class


The ULConnectionParms class specifies parameters for opening a connection to an UltraLite database.

In UltraLite for MobileVB, ensure you have the ULConnectionParms object on your form and you set connection properties in the ConnectionParms dialog. You use the ULConnectionParms object in conjunction with ULDatabaseManager.CreateDatabaseWithParms and ULDatabaseManager.OpenConnectionWithParms methods.

Databases are created with a single authenticated user, DBA, whose initial password is SQL. By default, connections are opened using the user ID DBA and password SQL.

For more information about the meaning of these parameters, see Connection Parameters.

Prototype Description
AdditionalParms As String (read-write) Additional parameters specified as name=value pairs separated with semi-colons.

See Additional Parms connection parameter.

CacheSize As Integer (read-write) The size of the cache. CacheSize values are specified in bytes. Use the suffix k or K for kilobytes and use the suffix m or M for megabytes. The default cache size is sixteen pages. Given a default page size of 4 KB, the default cache size is 64 KB.

See Cache Size connection parameter.

ConnectionName As String (read-write) A name for the connection. This is needed only if you create more than one connection to the database.

See Connection Name connection parameter.

DatabaseOnCE As String (read-write) The filename of the database deployed to PocketPC.

See Database On CE connection parameter.

DatabaseOnDesktop As String (read-write) The filename of the database during development.

See Database On Desktop connection parameter.

DatabaseOnPalm As String (read-write) The UltraLite database on the Palm device.

See Database On Palm connection parameter.

EncryptionKey As String (read-write) A key for encrypting the database. OpenConnection and OpenConnectionWithParms must use the same key as specified during database creation. Suggestions for keys are:
  1. Select an arbitrary, lengthy string

  2. Select strings with a variety of numbers, letters and special characters, so as to decrease the chances of key penetration.

See Encryption Key connection parameter.
PageSize As Integer (read-write) The page size for the database.

See Page Size connection parameter.

ParmsUsed As String (read-only) The parameters used by the ULDatabaseManager. Useful for debugging purposes.
Password As String (read-write) The password for an authenticated user. Databases are initially created with one authenticated user password SQL. Passwords are case-insensitive if the database is case-insensitive and case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. The default value is SQL.

See Password connection parameter.

ReserveSize As Integer (read-write) The amount of file system space to reserve for storage of UltraLite persistent data.

See Reserve Size connection parameter.

SchemaOnCE As String (read-write) The schema filename deployed to PocketPC.

See Schema On CE connection parameter.

SchemaOnDesktop As String (read-write) The schema filename during development.

See Schema On Desktop connection parameter.

SchemaOnPalm As String (read-write) The schema PDB on the Palm device.

See Schema On Palm connection parameter.

UserID As String (read-write) The authenticated user for the database. Databases are initially created with one authenticated user DBA. The UserID is case-insensitive if the database is case-insensitive and case-sensitive if the database is case-sensitive. The default value is DBA.

See User ID connection parameter.

VFSOnPalm As Boolean (read-write) Indicates whether the Palm database is on a virtual file system (true) or on the Palm store (false).

See VFS On Palm parameter.

Contents Index ULConnectionParms class ULDatabaseManager class