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UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference

ULDatabaseManager class

The ULDatabaseManager class is used to manage connections and databases. Your application should only have one instance of this object. Creating a database and establishing a connection to it is a necessary first step in using UltraLite. It is suggested that you use CreateDatabaseWithParms, OpenConnectionWithParms and DropDatabaseWithParms, and include checks in your code to ensure that you are connected properly before attempting any DML with the database.

Parms or no parms? 
Two types of methods exist for creating, opening and dropping connections to your database: Methods WithParms and methods that do not use the ULConnectionParms object. Methods WithParms allow you to use a ULConnectionParms object to manipulate connection parameters with ease and accuracy. Methods that do not use the ULConnectionParms object require that you can successfully create a connections string and use that connection string in a CreateDatabase, OpenConnection or DropDatabase method.

CreateDatabase method
CreateDatabaseWithParms method
DropDatabase method
DropDatabaseWithParms method
OpenConnection method
OpenConnectionWithParms method

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