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UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULDatabaseManager class

OpenConnectionWithParms method


OpenConnectionWithParms( connparms As ULConnectionParms) As ULConnection
Member of UltraLiteAFLib.ULDatabaseManager


If a database exists, use this method to receive a connection. If a database does not exist, or the connection parameters are invalid, the call will fail. Use the error object to determine why the call failed.

The function returns a ULConnection object which provides an open connection to a specified UltraLite database. The database filename is specified using the connparms object. Parameters are specified using a sequence of name=value pairs. If no user ID or password is given, the default is used.


connparms    The parameters defining this connection.


The ULConnection object is returned if the connection was successful.


The following example assumes you have placed the ULConnectionParms object on your form, named it LoginParms and have specified the database locations and schema locations in the ULConnection parms properties window.

Set Connection = DatabaseMgr.OpenConnection(LoginParms)

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