Contents Index Tutorial: An Introductory Application Lesson 1: Connect to the database

UltraLite C++ User's Guide
  Tutorial: An Introductory Application


This tutorial guides you through the process of building an UltraLite for C++ application. The application is built for a Windows operating system, and runs at a command prompt.

This tutorial uses a text editor to edit the C++ files. You can also use UltraLite for C++ in any C++ development environment, such as Microsoft Visual Studio.


The tutorial takes about 30 minutes if you copy and paste the code. If you enter the code yourself, it takes significantly longer.

Competencies and experience 

This tutorial assumes:


The goals for the tutorial are to gain competence and familiarity with the process of developing an UltraLite for C++ application.

Contents Index Tutorial: An Introductory Application Lesson 1: Connect to the database