Contents Index Introduction Lesson 2: Insert data into the database

UltraLite C++ User's Guide
  Tutorial: An Introductory Application

Lesson 1: Connect to the database

In this lesson you write, compile, and run a C++ application that connects to a database using a schema you have created.

The application attempts to connect to a database. If the specified database file does not exist, UltraLite uses the schema file to create the database.

Before you begin

  1. Create a directory to hold the files you create in this tutorial.

    The remainder of this tutorial assumes the directory is c:\tutorial\cpp. If you create a directory with a different name, use that directory instead of c:\tutorial\cpp throughout the tutorial.

  2. Using the UltraLite Schema Painter, create a database schema in your new directory with the following characteristics:

    Schema file name: tutcustomer.usm

    Table name: customer

    Columns in customer:

    Column Name Data Type (Size) Column allows NULL values? Default value
    id integer No autoincrement
    fname char(15) No None
    lname char(20) No None
    city char(20) Yes None
    phone char(12) Yes 555-1234

    Primary key: ascending id

For more information, see UltraLite Schema Painter Tutorial.

To connect to an UltraLite database

  1. In your tutorial directory, create a file named customer.cpp.

  2. Copy the code below into customer.cpp. This code carries out the following tasks:

    #include "uliface.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    using namespace UltraLite;
    #define MAX_NAME_LEN       100
    UlSqlca Sqlca;
    static ul_char const *  ConnectionParms = 
       UL_TEXT( "uid=dba;pwd=sql" )
       UL_TEXT( ";dbf=tutcustomer.udb"  )
       UL_TEXT( ";schema_file=tutcustomer.usm" );
    static void handle_error( ul_char const * context ) {
      ul_char buf[80];
      // Report error details...
      _tprintf( _TEXT("Error at '%s' [%ld"), 
        context ? context : UL_TEXT("?"), 
        Sqlca.GetSQLCode() );
      for( ul_u_long i = 1; i < Sqlca.GetParameterCount(); i++ ) {
       Sqlca.GetParameter( i, buf, 80 );
         _tprintf( UL_TEXT(", %s"), buf );
      _tprintf( UL_TEXT("]\n") );
    // Check for and report errors
    #define __HANDLE_ERROR( line )   handle_error( UL_TEXT( "line " ) UL_TEXT( #line ) )
    #define _HANDLE_ERROR( line )   __HANDLE_ERROR( line )
    #define CHECK_ERROR()   (Sqlca.LastCodeOK() ? (void)0 : _HANDLE_ERROR( __LINE__ ))
    Connection * open_conn(DatabaseManager * dm, ULSqlca & sqlca) {
      Connection *  conn;
      conn = dm->OpenConnection( Sqlca, ConnectionParms );
      if( Sqlca.GetSQLCode() == 
        conn = dm->CreateAndOpenDatabase( sqlca, ConnectionParms );
          if( conn == NULL ) {
              handle_error( UL_TEXT("create database") );
          } else {
              _tprintf( UL_TEXT("Connected to a new database.\n") );
      else {
        _tprintf( UL_TEXT("Connected to an existing database.\n") );
      return( conn );
  3. Copy the main method below into customer.cpp. The main method carries out the following tasks:

    int main() {
      DatabaseManager * dm;
      Connection * conn;
          dm = ULInitDatabaseManager( Sqlca );
      if( dm == UL_NULL ){
        // You may have mismatched UNICODE
        // vs. ANSI runtimes.
        return 1;   
      conn = open_conn( dm );
      dm->Shutdown( Sqlca );
      return 0;
  4. Compile and link the Customer class.

    The particular method you use to compile the class depends on your compiler. The following instructions are for the Microsoft Visual C++ command line compiler using a makefile.

  5. Run the application.

    At the command prompt, enter customer.

    The first time you run the application, it should write the following text to the command line:

    Connected to a new database.

    Subsequent times, it writes the following text to the command line:

    Connected to an existing database.

Contents Index Introduction Lesson 2: Insert data into the database