Contents Index User authentication API Reference

UltraLite C++ User's Guide
  Understanding UltraLite Development

Compiling and linking your application

A set of runtime libraries is available for some platforms when using UltraLite for C++. These include, for Windows CE and Windows XP, a database engine that permits multi-process access to the same database.

The runtime libraries are provided in the UltraLite\ce, UltraLite\palm, and UltraLite\win32 subdirectories of your SQL Anywhere installation.

The UltraLite\win32\386 directory contains libraries for Windows operating systems other than Windows CE. These include the following:

Using the UltraLite engine 

The UltraLite engine is an executable program for Windows and Windows CE. It acts as a database server for UltraLite databases, providing same-machine access to the database from multiple applications.

You can start the UltraLite engine in the following ways:

When connecting to a database using the UltraLite engine, you must supply the user ID (uid) and password (pwd) connection parameters.

You can stop the UltraLite engine manually using the dbulstop utility. Alternatiively, you can let the application stop the engine: the last application to disconnect from the database stops the UltraLite engine automatically.

Contents Index User authentication API Reference