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UltraLite Static Java User's Guide
  Synchronization Parameters Reference
    Synchronization parameters

ping synchronization parameter


Confirm communications between the UltraLite client and the MobiLink synchronization server. When this parameter is set to true, no synchronization takes place.

When the MobiLink synchronization server receives a ping request, it connects to the consolidated database, authenticates the user, and then sends the authenticating user status and value back to the client.

If the ping succeeds, the MobiLink server issues an information message. If the ping does not succeed, it issues an error message.

If the MobiLink user name cannot be found in the ml_user system table and the MobiLink server is running with the command line option -zu+, the MobiLink server adds the user to ml_user.

The MobiLink synchronization server may execute the following scripts, if they exist, for a ping request:

Access methods 

boolean getPing( )

void setPing( boolean ping )


The parameter is optional, and is a boolean.


Set the parameter as follows:

UlSynchOptions opts = new UlSynchOptions;
opts.setUserName( "50" );
opts.setPing( true );
// set other options here
conn.synchronize( opts );
See also 

-pi option

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