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UltraLite Static Java User's Guide
  Synchronization Parameters Reference
    Synchronization parameters

publication synchronization parameter


Specifies the publications to be synchronized.

Access methods 

int getSynchPublication( )

void setSynchPublication( int publication )


If you do not specify a publication, all data is synchronized.


The UltraLite generator identifies the publications specified on the ulgen -v command line option as upper case constants with the name UL_PUB_pubname, where pubname is the name given to the -v option.

For example, the following command line generates a publication identified by the constant salesproject.UL_PUB_SALES:

ulgen -v sales ...

When synchronizing, set the publication parameter to a publication mask: an OR'd list of publication constants. For example:

UlSynchOptions opts = new UlSynchOptions;
  projectname.UL_PUB_MYPUB1 |
  projectname.UL_PUB_MYPUB2 );
// set other options here
conn.synchronize( opts );

where projectname is the name of the main project class generated by the UtraLite generator.

The special publication mask UL_SYNC_ALL describes all the tables in the database, whether in a publication or not. The mask UL_SYNC_ALL_PUBS describes all tables in publications in the database.

See also 

The UltraLite generator

Designing sets of data to synchronize separately

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