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Writing Advanced Applications
Chapter 1 Continued: Choosing the Software


With the application modeled and the project requirements defined, it is time to think about which JavaTM APIs to use. The application is clearly client and server based because you will want to accommodate 1 to n buyers, sellers, and viewers at any one time. Because registration and auction item data must be stored and retrieved from somewhere, you will need an API for database access.


The core application can be created in a number of ways using any of the following APIs:
  1. Sockets, multithreading, and JDBCTM APIs.
  2. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and JDBC APIs.
  3. Enterprise JavaBeansTM platform.
Enterprise JavaBeans provides an easy way to create thin-client multitiered applications because it handles transaction and state management, multithreading, resource pooling, and other complex low-level details. The simplest way to code the auction application is with the Enterprise JavaBeans platform.

Chapter 2 explains the core application code and how to set up and run the example. With the application modeled and the project requirements defined, it is time to think about which JavaTM APIs to use. The application is clearly client and server based because you will want to accommodate 1 to n buyers, sellers, and viewers at any one time. Because registration and auction item data must be stored and retrieved from somewhere, you will need an API for database access.


[ This page was updated: 13-Oct-99 ]

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