Interface SubBuildListener

All Superinterfaces:
BuildListener, java.util.EventListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
AntClassLoader, AntClassLoader2, BigProjectLogger, Recorder, RecorderEntry

public interface SubBuildListener
extends BuildListener

Instances of classes that implement this interface can register to be also notified when things happened during a subbuild.

A subbuild is a separate project instance created by the <ant> task family. These project instances will never fire the buildStarted and buildFinished events, but they will fire subBuildStarted/ and subBuildFinished. The main project instance - the one created by running Ant in the first place - will never invoke one of the methods of this interface.

Ant 1.6.2
See Also:
BuildEvent, Project.addBuildListener(BuildListener)

Method Summary
 void subBuildFinished(BuildEvent event)
          Signals that the last target has finished.
 void subBuildStarted(BuildEvent event)
          Signals that a subbuild has started.
Methods inherited from interface
buildFinished, buildStarted, messageLogged, targetFinished, targetStarted, taskFinished, taskStarted

Method Detail


void subBuildStarted(BuildEvent event)
Signals that a subbuild has started. This event is fired before any targets have started.

event - An event with any relevant extra information. Must not be null.


void subBuildFinished(BuildEvent event)
Signals that the last target has finished. This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.

event - An event with any relevant extra information. Must not be null.
See Also: