
Interface Summary
AuditListener Listener in charge of receiving events from the Checker.
Defn Contains definitions common to the package.

Class Summary
AuditEvent Raw event for audit.
BlockOption Represents the options for a block.
Checker This class provides the functionality to check a set of files.
CheckStyleTask An implementation of a ANT task for calling checkstyle.
CheckStyleTask.Formatter Details about a formatter to be used.
CheckStyleTask.FormatterType Poor mans enumeration for the formatter types.
CheckStyleTask.Property Represents a property that consists of a key and value.
Configuration Represents the configuration that checkstyle uses when checking.
DefaultLogger Simple plain logger for text output.
LeftCurlyOption Represents the options for placing the left curly brace '{'.
LocalizedMessage Represents message that can be localised.
Main Wrapper command line program for the Checker.
PadOption Represents the options for whitespace around parenthesis.
RightCurlyOption Represents the options for placing the right curly brace '}'.
Scope Represents a Java visibility scope.
WrapOpOption Represents the options for wrapping on operators.
XMLLogger Simple XML logger.