Package org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth

Provides implementation of various authentication schemes as well as utility classes that can be used to authenticate HTTP requests.


Interface Summary
AuthScheme This interface represents an abstract challenge-response oriented authentication scheme.
CredentialsProvider Credentials provider interface can be used to provide HTTP method with a means to request authentication credentials if no credentials have been given or given credentials are incorrect.

Class Summary
AuthChallengeParser This class provides utility methods for parsing HTTP www and proxy authentication challenges.
AuthChallengeProcessor This class provides utility methods for processing HTTP www and proxy authentication challenges.
AuthPolicy Authentication policy class.
AuthScope The class represents an authentication scope consisting of a host name, a port number, a realm name and an authentication scheme name which Credentials apply to.
AuthState This class provides detailed information about the state of the authentication process.
BasicScheme Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
DigestScheme Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
NTLMScheme An implementation of the Microsoft proprietary NTLM authentication scheme.
RFC2617Scheme Abstract authentication scheme class that lays foundation for all RFC 2617 compliant authetication schemes and provides capabilities common to all authentication schemes defined in RFC 2617.

Exception Summary
AuthChallengeException Signals a failure processing authentication challenge
AuthenticationException Signals a failure in authentication process
CredentialsNotAvailableException Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are not available
InvalidCredentialsException Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are invalid
MalformedChallengeException Signals that authentication challenge is in some way invalid or illegal in the given context

Package org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth Description

Provides implementation of various authentication schemes as well as utility classes that can be used to authenticate HTTP requests.


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