Package org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods

Classes implementing HttpMethod for the base HTTP methods.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
ByteArrayRequestEntity A RequestEntity that contains an array of bytes.
DeleteMethod Implements the HTTP DELETE method.
EntityEnclosingMethod This abstract class serves as a foundation for all HTTP methods that can enclose an entity within requests
ExpectContinueMethod This abstract class serves as a foundation for all HTTP methods that support 'Expect: 100-continue' handshake.
GetMethod Implements the HTTP GET method.
HeadMethod Implements the HTTP HEAD method.
InputStreamRequestEntity A RequestEntity that contains an InputStream.
OptionsMethod Implements the HTTP OPTIONS method.
PostMethod Implements the HTTP POST method.
PutMethod Implements the HTTP PUT method.
StringRequestEntity A RequestEntity that contains a String.
TraceMethod Implements the HTTP TRACE method.

Package org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods Description

Classes implementing HttpMethod for the base HTTP methods.


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